Once the Borg have a path to any one player's systems or homeworld, the Borg will exclusively funnel all of their ships down that one path, since it's the only "connected" route available. The bigger problem, however, is that the Borg movement rules lead to considerable balance issues once the Borg are connected to one player, because that poor player now faces the brunt of the entire Borg Collective. For example, if a Bog cube is battling multiple fleets belonging to the same player, how does it determine which fleet takes damage? We generally house-rule that the Borg attack the largest fleet first, and that the player who activated the cube decides any ties. Some rules leave the Borg's actions somewhat ambiguous, and there are no rules for determining how to resolve such situations. The non-player element of the Borg creates a lot of strange edge cases that the rulesmakers just didn't seem to think through very thoroughly.

The big problem is that the rules for the Borg cause a lot of confusion. The Borg expansion also adds rules for solo and 2-player games, though I'm not terribly happy with how either of those variants plays. They act in opposition to every player in the game, and are intended to add some extra player-versus-board challenge. The Borg are a non-player "A.I." entity that use a deck of cards to define their behavior. The Borg are not a player faction (like the excellent Cardassians or Ferengi expansions). How do Borg allocate damage between multiple fleets?